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Global talent visa

(subclass 858)

It appears you are referring to the Global Talent visa (Subclass 858) in Australia. This PR visa is indeed designed for individuals who have an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in their field of expertise. You can apply online through the ImmiAccount for this Visa.

Global Talent Visa (subclass 858)

Visa pathways

The Global Talent visa is designed for exceptionally skilled individuals and offers two pathways:

Global Talent Visa Pathway:

  • This pathway prioritizes highly skilled applicants with an exceptional track record in sectors specified by the Minister.
  • Applicants should currently earn or have the potential to earn at or above the Fair Work High Income Threshold.
  • Before applying, candidates must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to be considered for priority processing.
  • If successful, applicants will receive a unique reference and identifier to use when applying for the Global Talent (subclass 858) visa.

Distinguished Talent Pathway:

  • This pathway is for individuals with extraordinary talent and accomplishments in fields such as professions, sports, arts, academia, or research.
  • Unlike the Global Talent pathway, an Expression of Interest is not required for this pathway.
  • Applicants can directly apply for the Distinguished Talent pathway online through ImmiAccount.

For detailed information on eligibility criteria, Expression of Interest requirements, and application processes, book a consultation.

With global talent visa (Subclass 858) you can

As a permanent resident of Australia, you have various privileges and responsibilities, including the ability to:

  1. Stay in Australia indefinitely.
  2. Work and study in Australia without restrictions.
  3. Enroll in Australia’s public health care scheme, Medicare, for subsidized medical services.
  4. Sponsor eligible relatives to come and live in Australia.
  5. Travel to and from Australia for up to 5 years from the date your permanent residency is granted, after which you may need to apply for a Resident Return Visa (RRV) to maintain your ability to travel.
  6. Apply for Australian citizenship if you meet the eligibility criteria, which typically includes residing in Australia for a specified period, demonstrating integration into the Australian community, and meeting certain character requirements.

However, it’s important to note that newly arrived residents may have to wait before accessing certain Australian Government payments and benefits. These waiting periods can vary depending on the specific benefits and your individual circumstances. It’s advisable to check with the relevant government authorities or consult official resources for detailed information regarding eligibility and waiting periods for government payments and benefits as a new permanent resident.

Apply from

When applying for this visa and when the decision on global talent visa (Subclass 858), you must be either inside or outside Australia. However, you cannot be in immigration clearance during these times. Immigration clearance refers to the area where individuals are processed upon entry into or departure from a country, typically involving customs, immigration, and security checks. Therefore, you must ensure that you are not within the immigration clearance area when submitting your visa application or when the visa decision is being made.

How long you can stay on global talent visa (Subclass 858)

This visa is a permanent visa, granting you the right to stay in Australia indefinitely. Your permanent residency status commences on the day the visa is granted if you are already in Australia at that time. However, if you are outside Australia when the visa is granted, your permanent residency status starts on the day you enter Australia on this visa. It’s important to note that this permanent residency status is significant for citizenship purposes, as it marks the beginning of your eligibility timeline for Australian citizenship.

Include family

When applying for global talent visa (Subclass 858), you have the option to include members of your family unit. Additionally, you can add family members to your application at any time before a decision is reached. However, if you are under 18 years old, you are limited to including only your parents and their respective family members.

It’s important to note that all family members included in the application must meet the health and character requirements set by the Australian government, regardless of whether they intend to accompany you to Australia or not. Detailed information regarding health requirements can be found in the “Meeting our health requirement” section, while information on character requirements is available in the “Character requirements for visas” section.

If your partner or dependent children are not included in the application, you will need to provide a reason for their exclusion.

Cost of global talent visa (Subclass 858)

  • Visa Government Costs:
    • Main applicant: AUD $4840.00
    • Additional applicant (18 and above): AUD $2425.00 each
    • Additional applicant (under 18): AUD $1210.00 each.
  • Additional Costs:
    • Other expenses may apply for health checks, police certificates and biometrics.

It’s important to pay the correct visa application charge to ensure the processing of your application. Failure to pay the correct fee may result in the delay or rejection of your application.

If any applicant aged 18 years or older does not have functional English proficiency, you may be required to pay an additional fee of AUD $4,890 known as the second instalment (payable before grant of visa).

Global talent visa (Subclass 858) processing times

For an estimate of processing times for (Subclass 858), you can use the visa processing time guide tool available on our website. This tool provides information on processing times for recently decided applications. However, please note that it is a guide only and may not be specific to your application.

It’s important to understand that we assess applications on a case-by-case basis, and actual processing times can vary depending on various factors, including:

  1. Whether you have received a successful Expression of Interest outcome to apply for this visa under the Global Talent pathway.
  2. Whether you have lodged an application for the Distinguished Talent pathway.
  3. Whether you have submitted a complete application, including all required supporting documents.
  4. Your promptness in responding to requests for additional information.
  5. The time taken to perform necessary checks on the supporting information provided.
  6. The duration it takes to obtain additional information from external agencies, particularly in relation to health, character, and national security requirements.
  7. The availability of positions in the migration program.

Please keep in mind that these factors can influence the processing time of your application.

Your obligations

You and your family members are required to comply with all Australian laws during your stay in Australia.

Additionally, we anticipate that you will make a positive contribution to Australia in your field of expertise.


You are permitted to travel to and from Australia for a period of 5 years from the date when the Subclass 858 visa is granted. Following this period, you will require a Resident Return (RRV) visa (subclass 155 or 157) to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident. You can use the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service to determine when the 5-year period ends.

Visa label

We will digitally link your visa to your passport. You will not get a label in your passport.


Be nominated on a Form 1000 at time of application

Your talent and accomplishments must be verified by a nominator who holds a national reputation in the same field as you. The nominator can be one of the following:

  • An Australian citizen
  • An Australian permanent resident
  • An eligible New Zealand citizen
  • An Australian organization.

If applicable, your nomination should be endorsed by the leading Australian body in your field.

At the time of lodging your Global Talent visa application, you must submit a completed Nomination for Global Talent (Form 1000). A completed Form 1000 entails answering all relevant questions as per the instructions provided and obtaining the signature of the nominator.

Please note that nominators cannot be added or changed after the visa application has been lodged.

To be eligible for the Global Talent visa, you must possess an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in one of the following fields:

  • A profession
  • A sport
  • The arts
  • Academia and research.

This entails:

  • Demonstrating superior abilities compared to others in your field
  • Being acknowledged as exceptional in any country where your field is practiced
  • Having a track record of sustained achievement that is unlikely to diminish in the near future.

Additionally, your area of expertise must be recognized and accepted in Australia and hold international standing.

This means that you are active and still currently outstanding in your area, and have a record of recent achievements.

Your contribution as a Global Talent visa holder may take various forms, including:

  • Economic contributions through innovation, entrepreneurship, or specialized skills that enhance Australia’s economic growth and development.
  • Social contributions by actively engaging with communities, promoting diversity and inclusion, or participating in philanthropic activities.
  • Cultural contributions through artistic endeavors, cultural exchanges, or preservation of heritage that enrich Australia’s cultural landscape.
  • Enhancing Australia’s academic, artistic, or sports standing internationally by achieving excellence in your field and representing Australia on the global stage.

Overall, your contribution should benefit the nation as a whole and align with Australia’s values and aspirations.

To meet the requirements of the Global Talent visa, you must demonstrate that you possess the skills, experience, and reputation necessary to secure employment or establish yourself independently in your area of expertise in Australia. This can be shown through various means, including:

  1. Professional Experience: Provide evidence of your extensive professional experience and achievements in your field, such as awards, publications, patents, or significant contributions to projects or initiatives.

  2. Industry Recognition: Showcase your international reputation and standing in your area of expertise, including recognition from peers, professional associations, or prestigious organizations.

  3. Job Opportunities: Demonstrate that there is demand for your skills and expertise in Australia by providing evidence of job offers, expressions of interest from potential employers, or collaboration opportunities with Australian organizations.

  4. Business Ventures: If you intend to establish your own business or venture in Australia, provide a detailed business plan outlining your proposed activities, market analysis, financial projections, and potential benefits to the Australian economy.

  5. Endorsement: Obtain endorsement from a nominator who is recognized as a national leader or authority in your field, confirming your exceptional talent and potential contributions to Australia.

By presenting compelling evidence of your capabilities, achievements, and prospects for success in Australia, you can satisfy the requirement to demonstrate your ability to find work or establish yourself independently in your area of expertise.

Regardless of age, applicants for the Global Talent visa must demonstrate exceptional benefit to the Australian community. However, if you are under 18 years old or 55 years or older when you apply, the requirement for exceptional benefit becomes particularly significant.

The exceptional benefit you bring to Australia should be ongoing, sustained, and realized shortly after migration. This can take various forms, including:

  1. Exceptional Contributions to the Economy: Demonstrating how your skills, expertise, or entrepreneurial ventures will significantly contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Australian economy.

  2. Creating Employment Opportunities: Showing how your activities will lead to the creation of a substantial number of job opportunities for Australian residents, thereby supporting local communities and industries.

  3. Driving Research and Innovation: Highlighting your role in driving research, development, and innovation in critical fields, leading to advancements that benefit Australia and the global community.

  4. Enhancing Australia’s Global Standing: Illustrating how your presence and contributions will elevate Australia’s reputation and competitiveness in important areas, positioning the country as a leader on the international stage.

By showcasing your potential to bring about substantial and lasting positive impacts in Australia, you can fulfill the requirement for exceptional benefit to the Australian community, regardless of your age.

If you are outside of Australia when you apply for the Global Talent visa, you do not need to possess a specific visa. However, if you are inside Australia at the time of application, you must hold one of the following:

  1. A substantive visa: This refers to any visa other than a Bridging visa or Criminal Justice visa.

  2. Bridging visa A (BVA) – Subclass 010: This visa allows you to stay lawfully in Australia while your substantive visa application is being processed, or while you wait for an immigration decision.

  3. Bridging visa B (BVB) – Subclass 020: This visa lets you travel outside Australia and return during the processing of your substantive visa application.

  4. Bridging visa C (BVC) – Subclass 030: This visa is for people whose substantive visa has expired and need a temporary visa to remain lawfully in Australia while they make arrangements to depart.

If your current or last substantive visa held was either the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) or the Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) (subclass 494), you must have held that visa for a minimum of 3 years at the time before you apply for the Global Talent visa.

The second instalment charge is a fee payable by applicants aged 18 years and older who do not have at least functional English proficiency. This charge allows applicants to avoid the requirement of demonstrating English proficiency and is an alternative option to proving language ability. If you choose to pay the second instalment, you must upload advice via your Immigration account after lodging your application and provide your email address for further communication regarding the payment process.

Meeting the health requirement is essential for you and any family members applying for the visa with you. Additionally, family members who are not accompanying you to Australia may still need to meet the health requirement, depending on individual circumstances and visa subclass regulations. It’s crucial to ensure that all applicants undergo the necessary health assessments and provide the required documentation to satisfy the health requirement.

Meeting the character requirement is mandatory for you and any family members aged 16 years and over who apply for the visa with you. Additionally, family members who are not accompanying you to Australia may still need to meet the character requirement. It’s important to ensure that all applicants provide the necessary police clearance certificates and any other relevant documentation to demonstrate good character as per the visa requirements. Failure to meet the character requirement may result in visa refusal or cancellation.

It’s crucial to ensure that neither you nor any family members, including those not applying for the visa with you, have any outstanding debts to the Australian government. Any debts owed must be settled or have a formal payment arrangement in place before a visa can be granted. Failure to address outstanding debts may affect the visa application process and could result in delays or refusal of the visa.

If you are 18 years of age or older, it’s mandatory to have either read or had the contents of the Life in Australia booklet explained to you. Additionally, you must confirm your commitment to respecting the Australian way of life and abiding by Australian laws by signing an Australian Values Statement. This statement signifies your acknowledgment and acceptance of the values integral to Australian society.

Your immigration history will be taken into account during the assessment of your application. If you have a history of visa cancellations or refusals, you may not be eligible for this visa. However, there are circumstances where individuals with such a history may still apply for a permanent visa. For more details, please refer to the document “Limitations on applications in Australia.”

If you are applying for a visa from outside Australia, please refer to the document “Can I go to Australia.”

If you require assistance with your visa application, you can seek help from registered migration agents or other authorized individuals. For more information on who can assist you, please see “Who can help with your visa application.”

Government fee

From AUD $4,840


Permanently (5 year PR Visa)

Processing Time

90% of applications processed in 13 for Global talent stream and 34 months for Distinguished Talent stream

Our Legal fee

From AUD $5,500

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